.. include:: Includes.txt .. _start: =========================================== TYPO3ドキュメントへようこそ =========================================== TYPO3 CMSはPHPを利用したオープンソースのエンタープライズコンテンツ管理システムです。 .. rst-class:: horizbuttons-primary-m - :ref:`tutorials` - :ref:`references` - :ref:`extensions` __________________________________________________ .. _start-getting-stared: はじめに =============== TYPO3の異なるバージョンとシステム要件の詳細については、 https://get.typo3.org を参照してください。 TYPO3をインストールするには、 :ref:`Composerのクイックインストールガイド ` に従ってください。 .. code-block:: bash composer create-project typo3/cms-base-distribution YourNewProjectFolder バックエンドで :ref:`サイトの設定 ` を行い、ドメイン、言語、URL、エラーページを設定します。 The :ref:`t3start:start` walks you through the backend - the interface for editing content and configuring the TYPO3 installation. You need a browser and a working TYPO3 installation. その他のチュートリアルを :ref:`tutorials` で探す。 サポートを依頼するには、StackOverflowやSlackを利用します。 詳細は `help page `__ をご覧ください。 .. _how-the-documentation-is-organized: ドキュメントはどのように構成されているか ============================================ * :ref:`tutorials` は、編集者、インテグレータ、開発者のためのドキュメントを含む、TYPO3の新規および既存のユーザーのためのリソースの包括的なリストを含んでいます。 * :ref:`references` は、TYPO3のコアに関する詳細な情報を提供し、インテグレータと開発者を対象としています。 * :ref:`System-Extensions` provide a list of all extensions currently used in TYPO3's core along with documentation for each of the extensions listed. * :ref:`extensions` allow you to search for documentation that has been provided for third party extensions. .. _start-theme: テーマを作成する ==================== *Theme* | *Templating* | *Sitepackage* It is considered good practice to create a **Sitepackage**. This is an extension which contains the resources required for a theme. Sitepackage: * `Concept of Sitepackages `__ * :ref:`t3sitepackage:start` More introductions: * The `Fluid documentation `__ contains information about Fluid. As it is an independent project, the documentation is not maintained on docs.typo3.org. * The system extension :ref:`fluid_styled_content ` handles the rendering of the default set of content elements shipped with the core by using the template engine `Fluid `__ * :ref:`Backend layouts ` * :ref:`Create custom content elements ` References * :ref:`t3tsref:start` * :ref:`t3viewhelper:start` .. _start-extdev: カスタムエクステンションの開発 ==================================== :ref:`references` lists all relevant core manuals. One of these is :ref:`t3coreapi:start`. It contains detailed information for core and extension developers, Getting started with extension development: * :ref:`Introduction to extensions in TYPO3 ` * Extension :ref:`t3coreapi:extension-files-locations` * :ref:`t3coreapi:extension-naming` and :ref:`t3coreapi:cgl` More topics can be found in :ref:`t3coreapi:start`, for example: * :ref:`QueryBuilder ` based on Doctrine * :ref:`t3coreapi:DependencyInjection` * :ref:`t3coreapi:request-handling` If you are updating TYPO3 to the next major version, you may need to make changes in your custom extensions. The `Core changelog `__ lists all relevant changes for each TYPO3 version since 7. .. _start-configuration: TYPO3の設定 =============== One of the major features of TYPO3 is its configurability. The :ref:`t3coreapi:config-overview` in "TYPO3 Explained" gives you an overview of various configuration languages. Specifically, you might want to * Set up the :ref:`site configuration ` in the backend to configure the domain, languages, URLs and error pages. * Configure :ref:`rte_ckeditor ` to enhance the editing experience when handling rich text editing. * :ref:`Configure the form system extension ` to create custom forms for the frontend. * :ref:`Configure backend users ` .. _start-localization: 翻訳の作成方法 ========================== *国際化* | *翻訳* | *複数の言語* * :ref:`Supported languages ` * :ref:`Manage backend languages ` * :ref:`エディターとして言語を扱う ` * :ref:`t3coreapi:internationalization` in "TYPO3 Explained" __________________________________________________ .. _start-coredev: コアに貢献する ====================== 「コア投稿ガイド」には、コアパッチを作成するための情報が記載されています: * :ref:`Create a patch ` * :ref:`Commit message rules ` * :ref:`Setup an installation with DDEV ` But contributions aren't just about writing patches. You can contribute in numerous other ways, including * :ref:`Writing issues ` * :ref:`Review patches ` .. _start-contribute-docs: 公式文書への貢献 ==================================== どのページでも「Edit on GitHub」ボタンをクリックして、改善できそうなことがあれば公式ドキュメントの変更を提案してください。 * The blog post `Start Improving Docs Now to Grow TYPO3 `__ gives a good introduction to documentation contribution. * :ref:`h2document:docs-contribute` explains the workflow for contributing. * The documentation is edited in text files using reStructuredText syntax. Use the :ref:`rest-cheat-sheet` to lookup most commonly used directives. * General conventions can be found in :ref:`h2document:conventions` * :ref:`h2document:docs-official-how-you-can-help` lists some general tasks to get you started. .. toctree:: :hidden: はじめに Home/GuidesAndTutorials Home/References Home/Extensions Home/WhatsNew Cheat Sheets Tell Me Something About Topic X Snippets Home/About/Index Home/Contribute