.. include:: Includes.txt .. highlight:: rst .. _about: ==================== このガイドについて ==================== このガイドはどのように構成されていますか? ============================================ このマニュアルでは、TYPO3のドキュメントを書くことについて説明します。これには、公式ドキュメントへの貢献、コアの変更履歴やシステム拡張、サードパーティの拡張のためのドキュメントの作成が含まれる。 ドキュメントだけではなく、いくつかの規約やコーディングガイドライン、GitHub の問題へのリンクも掲載されています。 .. _getting-started: .. _how-to-read-this-guide: このガイドの読み方 ====================== このマニュアルでは、TYPO3ドキュメントの書き方を紹介しています。隅から隅まで読むことができます。 .. tip:: 具体的には、以下をご覧ください。: * 構造に慣れるための :ref:`basic-principles` * :ref:`conventions` for tips on coding guidelines, spelling etc. * :ref:`reStructuredText & Sphinx Introduction `. * Additionally, keep the :ref:`rest-cheat-sheet` handy to look up the syntax. But often, you would like to **jump right in**, start with a specific task and learn as you go along. In that case, find your task here and start reading: * :ref:`writing-doc-for-ext-from-scratch` if you have an extension and would like to write documentation for it using the sample extension manual. * :ref:`docs-contribute-github-method` if you would like to contribute to the official documentation and need an easy introduction to editing documentation directly on GitHub. This does not require any development tools, you just need a browser and a GitHub account. * :ref:`docs-contribute-git-docker` if you would like to contribute to the official documentation and are already familiar with Git and Docker * :ref:`render-documenation-with-docker` if you would like to start with rendering the documentation locally with Docker. .. _credits: Credits ======= This document was originally written by Martin Bless. Special thanks goes to Xavier Perseguers for writing some of the original texts on the TYPO3 Wiki and elsewhere. Part of the texts have been moved to this document or at least used as a basis. Further chapters like :ref:`rest-common-pitfalls`, :ref:`rest-cheat-sheet`, :ref:`docs-contribute`, :ref:`basic-principles`, :ref:`writing-doc-for-ext-start` and :ref:`docs-official-how-you-can-help` were added by Sybille Peters. A number of other people have helped by reviewing and refining the text and pointing out missing information. For more contributors, see the `list of contributors on GitHub for this manual `__. We thank everyone for their help and hope that good documentation about writing documentation will make it easier for others to contribute.