.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. highlight:: rst .. _general-conventions: .. _conventions: ======================================================== ドキュメンテーション内容のスタイルガイド ======================================================== これには、TYPO3文書の規約、コーディングガイドライン、ベストプラクティスが含まれている。一般的に、文書は以下のセクションで説明されているように規約に従う。 共通の慣例を見つけることは現在進行形の作業です。いくつかの決定はまだ保留中です。公開されているトピックのリストについては、 `decisions.typo3.org `__ 最も重要な規約はこのページにまとめられており、残りはサブチャプターに記載されています。 .. rst-class:: bignums-xxl #. タイトルの大文字 Use :ref:`sentence case ` - this means the title and headers will be capitalized like normal sentences. The first word is always capitalized and the rest is spelled as they would in "normal text". This is different from "TYPO3 content style guide" which capitalizes more words in the title. Capitalization in the documentation is still inconsistent currently, so you cannot rely on existing pages to show the correct convention. #. 綴り Use common spelling for American English. Some specific TYPO3 terms have a special spelling. See :ref:`spelling-ref` #. バージョンのヒント :ref:`version-hints` describes how to add version hints for new sections or chapters:: .. deprecated:: 10.2 The hook shown here is deprecated since TYPO3 10.2 - use a custom :ref:`PSR-15 middleware` instead. .. versionadded:: 10.2 Starting with TYPO3 10.2 hooks and signals have been replaced by a PSR-14 based event dispatching system. .. versionchanged:: 2.3.1 This feature was changed ... #. 変更履歴へのリンク :ref:`link-to-changelog` describes how to link to the changelog:: :doc:`t3coreapi:Changelog/10.0/Feature-88770-PSR-14BasedEventDispatcher` #. Coding guidelines for headers 見出しの下線は次のようにしてください。 :ref:`rest-cgl-headline-underlines`:: ===== Title ===== First header level ================== Second header level ------------------- Third header level ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. seealso:: * :ref:`format-rest-cgl` #. Refer to elements in the GUI with :rst:`:guilabel:` Example:: :guilabel:`ADMIN TOOLS > Extensions` This will look like this: :guilabel:`ADMIN TOOLS > Extensions` **目次** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 ContentStyleGuide Glossary DirectoryFilenames Format MenuHierarchy CodingGuidelines GuidelinesForImages CommitMessages Licenses