.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. highlight:: bash .. _render-with-docker-compose: =========================================== Rendering Documentation with Docker Compose =========================================== This workflow is very similar to :ref:`render-documentation-with-docker`, it uses the same Docker image, but the commands for running it are slightly different. This workflow is especially recommended for platforms where the source / run command may not work, but should work fine on all platforms. .. important:: The workflow with Docker Compose is still being tested and optimized. Please help to improve our description by: * Testing the workflow. Report your results in this `issue `__ * Improving this page if you can .. rst-class:: bignums-xxl #. Install Docker and Docker Compose * https://docs.docker.com/install/ * https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ #. Create a docker-compose.yml file .. tip:: Some of our repositories already contain this, for example the :ref:`t3contribute:start` or this guide. You can create the file in the project directory. .. code-block:: yaml version: '3' services: t3docmake: image: t3docs/render-documentation:latest command: makehtml volumes: - ./:/PROJECT:ro - ./Documentation-GENERATED-temp:/RESULT #. Run docker-compose .. code-block:: bash docker-compose run --rm t3docmake #. See output of command for generated HTML start file You can use one of these commands to open the generated file in the browser: Linux:: xdg-open "Documentation-GENERATED-temp/Result/project/0.0.0/Index.html" MacOS:: open "Documentation-GENERATED-temp/Result/project/0.0.0/Index.html" Windows:: start "Documentation-GENERATED-temp/Result/project/0.0.0/Index.html"