.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. highlight:: rst .. _contribute-to-system-extension: ============================== Contribute to System Extension ============================== The documentation for system extensions is maintained inside the TYPO3 source code, so the contribution workflow is a little different. For more information about the various contribution workflows, see :ref:`overview-of-types`. * When it comes to documentation that is contained within the core (like system extension documentation and changelog), you would use Forge to report **issues**, using the category "Documentation": https://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3cms-core/issues * The :ref:`t3contribute:start` explains the **contribution workflow** for the core. For making a change to the documentation in the core, you would use the workflow explained in that guide (using Git and pushing to Gerrit). * You can also test the change by :ref:`rendering locally ` as in any documentation patch, because all documentation uses a common format and :ref:`file structure ` and can be rendered with the same Docker container. .. tip:: There is an easy shortcut for minor changes: You can use the `Edit me on GitHub method `__ for minor changes to system extensions documentation and the changelog. Under the hood, a patch will get created and pushed to Gerrit and you will find a comment in your pull request with information about where to find your patch on Gerrit. .. image:: ../images/github-gerrit.png :class: with-shadow :target: https://github.com/TYPO3/TYPO3.CMS/pull/172#issuecomment-494721296 See `System Extensions `__ for a list of system extension documentation. Use the `sample extension manual `__ if you want to start new system extension documentation from scratch.