.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _faq-for-extension-authors: .. _tips-extension-authors: ========================= FAQ ========================= .. rst-class:: panel panel-default I am missing some documentation for extension versions ====================================================== If you are missing documentation for some extension versions we have a :ref:`workaround ` to fix that. .. rst-class:: panel panel-default Why Does the Documentation not Provide a Title? =============================================== .. image:: ../images/missing-title.png :class: with-shadow Refer to :ref:`migrate-necessary-steps` in order to fix this issue. You must add the project title to your :file:`Settings.cfg`: .. code-block:: rest [general] # ................................................................................. # ... (required) title (displayed in left sidebar (desktop) or top panel (mobile) # ................................................................................. project = title, e.g. extension name # ................................................................................. # ... (recommended) version, displayed next to title (desktop) and in Deployments`. At the top right hand side you will see a button :guilabel:`Add Configuration`. By clicking this button and going through the form, you can add a repository manually without the hook. Nevertheless we strongly recommend the usage of the webhook. .. rst-class:: panel panel-default Is Documentation Independent of TER? ==================================== Yes. The documentation and the extension at TER (https://extensions.typo3.org) are two separate, independent entities. In theory you could have the documentation in GitHub (for example) and the extension (code) somewhere else (or not in Git at all). You just need to fire the webhook from GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket to trigger the documentation rendering. .. rst-class:: panel panel-default Should I Add a Link to the Documentation in TER? ================================================ The documentation link should get updated automatically in TER. Only use "external documentation" if your documentation is hosted somewhere else (not on docs.typo3.org). .. rst-class:: panel panel-default .. _faq-can-i-use-a-readmerst-or-readmemd-instead: Can I use a README.rst (or README.md) instead? ============================================== GitHub (or Gitlab, bitbucket) etc. automatically render a :file:`README.rst` (or .md) on the repository homepage. For TYPO3 documentation I am required to have extra documentation in a :file:`Documentation` folder. This means I have to maintain 2 documentations. Or not? **Answer:** No. You have these 2 options: #. Use a :file:`README.rst` (or .md) **and** a :file:`Documentation/Index.rst` (for example). This is done in our official manuals. The :file:`README.rst` is not used as documentation, it is used as an :ref:`about the repo file `. The README is mostly used to direct users who come via GitHub (or Gitlab, Bitbucket etc.) to the rendered documentation on docs.typo3.org #. Or, use :file:`README.rst` (or .md) as main documentation (:ref:`start-file`) and put everything in the :file:`README.rst`. The :file:`Documentation/Settings.cfg` file must also exist, but that is all that needs to be in the `Documentation` directory. .. important:: About using method 2) There are currently still :ref:`2 open issues `, but this is already resolved in a "development" version. Actually, you have more options, but we do not want to make things too complicated. Which one should you choose? That is up to you. We recommend: Use method 1) for extensive documentation with several chapters, use method 2) for minimal documentation which can be maintained in one file. .. _tip-edit-me-on-github: .. rst-class:: panel panel-default How do I Get an "Edit me on GitHub" Button ========================================== Why might you want an "Edit me on GitHub" button on the rendered pages of your extension documentation? .. figure:: ../images/edit_me_on_github+shadow.svg :class: with-shadow :alt: "Edit me on GitHub" button "Edit me on GitHub" button It makes it easier to contribute to the documentation! **How do you enable this?** Just add this to your :ref:`settings-cfg` and customize it: .. code-block:: none [html_theme_options] # to get the "Edit me on GitHub Button" github_branch = master github_repository = TYPO3-Console/TYPO3-Console If you used the `sample extension `__ and followed the steps in :ref:`how-to-start-documentation-for-ext`, you should actually already have this. Look at the `typo3_console `__ extension for a working example. .. _tip-link-to-issues: .. rst-class:: panel panel-default How can I link to my Issues? ============================ Do you want contributors to find the issues for your extension easily when reading your extension documentation on docs.typo3.org? Add `project_issues` to your :ref:`settings-cfg`: .. code-block:: none [html_theme_options] project_issues = https://github.com///issues Replace `` and `` with your username and extension key or replace entire URL with URL to your issues. A link to the Issues will then be available in the "Related Links" section. .. image:: ../images/related-links.svg :class: with-shadow Example extension: `news `__ Further Questions? ================== Get in touch with us, if you have problems, would like to ask questions or make suggestions. Our `team page `__ contains information about how to contact us.