.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. highlight:: rst .. _rest-lists: ============ Bullet Lists ============ This section contains information on bullet lists and numbered lists. A text block which begins with a "\*", "+", "-", "•", "‣", or "⁃", followed by whitespace, is a bullet list item. * Each item of a list should start with a `*` or `-` and a space after it * Lists should have an empty line before and after * Sublists should also precede with an extra newline * Indent sublists with 3 spaces bullet lists: * Each item of a list should start with a `*` or `-` and a space after it numbered lists: * Start each item with a `#.` and a space after it for automatic numbering **See also:** * `Docutils cheat-sheet for reStructuredText: Bullet list `__ * `Docutils cheat-sheet for reStructuredText: Enumerated lists `__ * `Docutils reference: bullet-lists `__ Example 1: List with Sublist Items ================================== .. code-block:: rest * item 1 * item 2 is a longer text with line breaks. We can format and indent like this * item 3 * subitem 3.1 * subitem 3.1 * item 4 **How it looks:** * item 1 * item 2 is a longer text with line breaks. We must format and indent like this * item 3 * subitem 3.1 * subitem 3.1 * item 4 Example 2: List with Sublist and Error ====================================== .. important:: This example will not work as expected, because the extra lines for the sublist are missing (note *item 3* in bold). .. code-block:: rest * item 1 * item 2 * item 3 * subitem 3.1 * subitem 3.1 * item 4 **How it looks:** * item 1 * item 2 * item 3 * subitem 3.1 * subitem 3.1 * item 4 For more information on common errors, see :ref:`rest-common-pitfalls`.