The "/record/commit" Route

This route is a gateway for posting form data to the \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\SimpleDataHandlerController.

You can send data to this file either as GET or POST vars where POST takes precedence. The variable names you can use are:

GP var name Data type Description
data array

Data array on the form [tablename][uid][fieldname] = value.

Typically it comes from a POST form which submits a form field like <input name="data[tt_content][123][header]" value="This is the headline" />.

cmd array

Command array on the form [tablename][uid][command] = value. This array may get additional data set internally based on clipboard commands send in CB var!

Typically this comes from GET vars passed to the script like &cmd[tt\_content][123][delete]=1 which will delete Content Element with UID 123.

cacheCmd string Cache command sent to ->clear_cacheCmd
redirect string Redirect URL. Script will redirect to this location after performing operations (unless errors has occurred)
flags array Accepts options to be set in TCE object. Currently it supports "reverseOrder" (boolean).
mirror array Example: [mirror][table][11] = '22,33' will look for content in [data][table][11] and copy it to [data][table][22] and [data][table][33].
CB array Clipboard command array. May trigger changes in "cmd".
vC string Verification code