.. include:: ../../../../Includes.txt .. _AfterHistoryRollbackFinishedEvent: ================================= AfterHistoryRollbackFinishedEvent ================================= This event is fired after a history record rollback finished. API --- - :Method: getRecordHistoryRollback() :Description: Returns the RecordHistoryRollback object of the current operation. :ReturnType: \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\History\RecordHistoryRollback - :Method: getRollbackFields() :Description: Get fields to be rolled back. :ReturnType: string - :Method: getDiff() :Description: Get the diff between the rollback data and the current version. :ReturnType: array - :Method: getDataHandlerInput() :Description: Get the data array that was handed to the datahandler for rollback. :ReturnType: array - :Method: getBackendUserAuthentication() :Description: Get the current BE User Authentication object. :ReturnType: \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication