.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _imagelinkwrap: ============= imageLinkWrap ============= Properties ========== .. container:: ts-properties ===================================================== ===================================================================== ======= ================== Property Data types stdWrap Default ===================================================== ===================================================================== ======= ================== imageLinkWrap_ = :ref:`data-type-boolean` yes 0 enable_ = :ref:`data-type-boolean` yes 0 file_ = :ref:`stdwrap` yes width_ = :ref:`data-type-positive-integer` yes height_ = :ref:`data-type-positive-integer` yes effects_ = like :ref:`gifbuilder-effect` of :ref:`GIFBUILDER` yes sample_ = :ref:`data-type-boolean` yes 0 title_ = :ref:`data-type-string` yes bodyTag_ = :ref:`data-type-tag` yes wrap_ = :ref:`data-type-wrap` (?) target_ = :ref:`data-type-target` yes "thePicture" JSwindow_ = :ref:`data-type-boolean` yes JSwindow.expand_ = :ts:`x`, :ts:`y` (both :ref:`data-type-integer`) yes JSwindow.newWindow_ = :ref:`data-type-boolean` yes JSwindow.altUrl_ = :ref:`data-type-string` yes `JSwindow.altUrl\_noDefaultParams`_ = :ref:`data-type-boolean` (?) 0 typolink_ = like :ref:`typolink` (?) directImageLink_ = :ref:`data-type-boolean` yes 0 linkParams_ = any of the options of :ref:`typolink` (?) stdWrap_ = :ref:`stdwrap` yes ===================================================== ===================================================================== ======= ================== enable ====== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.enable =` :ref:`data-type-boolean` Whether or not to link the image. Must be set to True to make :ts:`imageLinkWrap` do anything at all. file ==== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.file =` :ref:`stdwrap` Apply :ref:`stdwrap` functionality to the file path. width ===== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.width =` :ref:`data-type-positive-integer` Width of the image to be shown in pixels. If you add "m" to :ts:`width` or :ts:`height` or both then the width and height parameters will be interpreted as maximum and proportions of the image will be preserved. height ====== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.height =` :ref:`data-type-positive-integer` Width of the image to be shown in pixels. If you add "m" to :ts:`width` or :ts:`height` or both then the width and height parameters will be interpreted as maximum and proportions of the image will be preserved. effects ======= :ts:`imageLinkWrap.effects =` like :ref:`gifbuilder-effect` of :ref:`GIFBUILDER` Apply image effects to the preview image. Example for effects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript imageLinkWrap { effects = gamma=1.3 | sharpen=80 | solarize=70 # effects only works when directImageLink is FALSE directImageLink = 0 # at most 800 pixels wide. Keep proportions. width = 800m # at most 600 pixels wide. Keep proportions. height = 600m } sample ====== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.sample =` :ref:`data-type-boolean` :ts:`sample` is a switch which determines how the image processor (often GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick) calculates the preview image. If :ts:`sample` is true then `- sample` is used with GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick instead of `- geometry` to calculate the preview image. `sample` does not use antialiasing and is therefore much faster than the `geometry` procedure of GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick. title ===== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.title =` :ref:`data-type-string` Specifies the html-page-title of the preview window. Needs :ts:`JSwindow = 1`. bodyTag ======= :ts:`imageLinkWrap.bodyTag =` :ref:`data-type-tag` This is the ``-tag of the preview window. Needs :ts:`JSwindow = 1`. Example: .. code-block:: typoscript # with all margins set to zero the window will exactly fit the image. # "onBlur" closes the window automatically if it looses focus imageLinkWrap.JSwindow = 1 imageLinkWrap.bodyTag ( ) wrap ==== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.wrap =` :ref:`data-type-wrap` This wrap is placed around the ``-tag in the preview window. Needs :ts:`JSwindow = 1`. target ====== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.target =` :ref:`data-type-target` This specifies the `target` attribute of the link. The attribute will only be created if the current :ref:`Doctype ` allows it. Needs :ts:`JSwindow = 1`. Default: 'thePicture'. Examples: .. code-block:: typoscript # (1) to produce: imageLinkWrap.target = preview # (2) to use the default: // do nothing - use the built in default value of ".target" # (3) to use a new window for each image # let there be: imageLinkWrap.JSwindow = 1 imageLinkWrap.JSwindow.newWindow = 1 JSwindow ======== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.JSwindow =` :ref:`data-type-boolean` If true (:ts:`JSwindow = 1`) Javascript will be used to open the image in a new window. The window is automatically resized to match the dimensions of the image. JSwindow.expand =============== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.JSwindow.expand =` :ts:`x`, :ts:`y` :ts:`x` and :ts:`x` are of data type :ref:`data-type-integer`. The values are added to the width and height of the preview image when calculating the width and height of the preview window. JSwindow.newWindow ================== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.JSwindow.newWindow =` :ref:`data-type-boolean` If the :ref:`Doctype ` allows the :ref:`data-type-target` attribute then the image will be opened in a window with the name given by `target`. If that windows is kept open and the next image with the same :ref:`data-type-target` attribute is to be shown then it will appear in the same preview window. If :ts:`JSwindow.newWindow` is set to True, then a unique hash value is used as `target` value for each image. This guarantees that each image is opened in a new window. JSwindow.altUrl =============== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.JSwindow.altUrl =` :ref:`data-type-string` If this returns anything then it is used as URL of the preview window. Otherwise the default "showpic" script will be used. JSwindow.altUrl\_noDefaultParams ================================ :ts:`imageLinkWrap.JSwindow.altUrl_noDefaultParams =` :ref:`data-type-boolean` If true (:ts:`JSwindow.altUrl_noDefaultParams = 1`) then the image parameters are not automatically appended to the :ts:`altUrl`. This is useful if you want to add them yourself in a special way. typolink ======== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.typolink =` like :ref:`typolink` If this returns anything it will be used as link and override everything else. directImageLink =============== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.directImageLink =` :ref:`data-type-boolean` If true (:ts:`directImageLink = 1`) then a link will be generated that points directly to the image file. This means that no "showpic" script will be used. linkParams ========== :ts:`imageLinkWrap.linkParams =` any of the options of :ref:`typolink` When the direct link for the preview image is calculated all attributes of :ts:`linkParams` are used as settings for the :ref:`typolink` function. In other words: Use the same parameters for :ts:`linkParams` that you would use for :ref:`typolink`. Needs :ts:`JSwindow = 0`. Example: .. code-block:: typoscript JSwindow = 0 directImageLink = 1 linkParams.ATagParams.dataWrap ( class="{$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.lightboxCssClass}" rel="{$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.lightboxRelAttribute}" ) This way it is easy to use a lightbox and to display resized images in the frontend. More complete examples are :ref:`imageLinkWrap-example-fancybox` and :ref:`imageLinkWrap-example-topup`. stdWrap ======= :ts:`imageLinkWrap.stdWrap =` :ref:`stdwrap` This adds :ref:`stdwrap` functionality to the almost final result. What it does ============ :ts:`imageLinkWrap = 1` If set to True (:ts:`= 1`) then this function attaches a link to an image that opens a special view of the image. By default the link points to the a "showpic" script that knows how to deal with several parameters. The script checks an md5-hash to make sure that the parameters are unchanged. See :ref:`imageLinkWrap-basic-example-showpic`. There is an alternative. You may set :ts:`directImageLink` to True (:ts:`= 1`). In that case the link will directly point to the image - no intermediate script is involved. This method can well be used to display images in a lightbox. See :ref:`imageLinkWrap-basic-example-directImageLink` and the lightbox examples on this page. If :ts:`JSwindow` is True (:ts:`= 1`) more fancy features are available since the preview now is opened by Javascript. Then the Javascript window title, size, background-color and more can be set to special values. Implementation ============== - imageLinkWrap__ in API__, - method `imageLinkWrap` in - class :php:`ContentObjectRenderer` in - namespace :php:`namespace TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject;` in - file :file:`ContentObjectRenderer.php` in - folder :file:`typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/ContentObject`. __ http://typo3.org/api/typo3cms/search/all_69.html?imageLinkWrap __ http://typo3.org/api/typo3cms/ .. _imagelinkwrap-examples: Examples for imageLinkWrap ========================== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. _imageLinkWrap-basic-example-showpic: Basic example: Create a link to the showpic script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript 10 = IMAGE 10 { # point to the image file = fileadmin/demo/lorem_ipsum/images/a4.jpg # make it rather small file.width = 80 # add a link to tx_cms_showpic.php that shows the original image imageLinkWrap = 1 imageLinkWrap { enable = 1 # JSwindow = 1 } } .. _imageLinkWrap-basic-example-directImageLink: Basic example: Link directly to the original image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript 10 = IMAGE 10 { file = fileadmin/demo/lorem_ipsum/images/a4.jpg file.width = 80 imageLinkWrap = 1 imageLinkWrap { enable = 1 # link directly to the image directImageLink = 1 # JSwindow = 1 } } .. imageLinkWrap-example-popup-window: Example: Larger display in a popup window ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript page = PAGE page.10 = IMAGE page.10 { # the relative path to the image # find the images in the 'lorem_ipsum' extension an copy them here file = fileadmin/demo/lorem_ipsum/images/b1.jpg # let's make the normal image small file.width = 80 # yes, we want to have a preview link on the image imageLinkWrap = 1 imageLinkWrap { # must be TRUE for anything to happen enable = 1 # "m" = at most 400px wide - keep proportions width = 400m # "m" = at most 300px high - keep proportions height = 300 # let's use fancy Javascript features JSwindow = 1 # black background bodyTag = # place a Javascript "close window" link onto the image wrap = | # let there be a new and unique window for each image JSwindow.newWindow = 1 # make the preview window 30px wider and 20px higher # than what the image requires JSwindow.expand = 30,20 } .. _imageLinkWrap-example-printlink: Example: Printlink ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript 5 = IMAGE 5 { file = fileadmin/images/printlink.png imageLinkWrap = 1 imageLinkWrap { enable = 1 typolink { target = _blank parameter.data = page:alias // TSFE:id additionalParams = &type=98 } } altText = print version titleText = Open print version of this page in a new window params = class="printlink" } .. _imageLinkWrap-example-fancybox: Example: Images in lightbox "fancybox" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's follow this `lightbox.ts example`__ and use `fancybox `_: __ https://github.com/georgringer/modernpackage/blob/master/Resources/Private/TypoScript/content/lightbox.ts .. code-block:: typoscript # Add the CSS and JS files page { includeCSS { file99 = fileadmin/your-fancybox.css } includeJSFooter { fancybox = fileadmin/your-fancybox.js } } # Change the default rendering of images to match lightbox requirements tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap { JSwindow = 0 directImageLink = 1 linkParams.ATagParams { dataWrap = class= "lightbox" data-fancybox-group="lightbox{field:uid}" } } .. _imageLinkWrap-example-topup: Example: Images in lightbox "TopUp" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this `blog post`__ (german) Paul Lunow shows a way to integrate the `jQuery`__ `TopUp lightbox`__: __ http://www.interaktionsdesigner.de/2009/typo3-klickvergrossern-durch-eine-jquery-lightbox-ersetzen/ __ http://jquery.com/ __ http://gettopup.com/ .. code-block:: typoscript tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap > tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap = 1 tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap { enable = 1 typolink { # directly link to the recent image parameter.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE parameter.cObject.file.import.data = TSFE:lastImageInfo|origFile parameter.cObject.file.maxW = {$styles.content.imgtext.maxW} parameter.override.listNum.stdWrap.data = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT title.field = imagecaption // title title.split.token.char = 10 title.if.isTrue.field = imagecaption // header title.split.token.char = 10 title.split.returnKey.data = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT parameter.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE parameter.cObject.file.import.data = TSFE:lastImageInfo|origFile ATagParams = target="_blank" } } .. COMMENT .. _imageLinkWrap-link-list: Link list --------- Links of interest: `click-enlage (de) `_, `lightbox.ts `_,