.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _parsefunc: ========= parseFunc ========= This object is used to parse some content for stuff like special typo tags, the :ref:`parsefunc-makeLinks`-things and so on... .. _parsefunc-externalBlocks: externalBlocks ============== :aspect:`Property` externalBlocks :aspect:`Data type` list of tagnames / +properties :aspect:`Description` This allows you to pre-split the content passed to parseFunc so that only content outside the blocks with the given tags is parsed. **Extra properties:** **.[tagname]** { **callRecursive:** :ref:`data-type-boolean`. If set, the content of the block is directed into parseFunc again. Otherwise the content is just passed through with no other processing than :ref:`stdwrap` (see below). **callRecursive.dontWrapSelf:** :ref:`data-type-boolean`. If set, the tags of the block is *not* wrapped around the content returned from parseFunc. **callRecursive.alternativeWrap:** Alternative wrapping instead of the original tags. **callRecursive.tagStdWrap:** :ref:`stdwrap` processing of the block-tags. **stdWrap:** :ref:`stdwrap` processing of the whole block (regardless of whether callRecursive was set.) **stripNLprev:** :ref:`data-type-boolean`. Strips off last line break of the previous outside block. **stripNLnext:** :ref:`data-type-boolean`. Strips off first line break of the next outside block. **stripNL:** :ref:`data-type-boolean`. Does both of the above. **HTMLtableCells:** :ref:`data-type-boolean`. If set, then the content is expected to be a table and every table-cell is traversed. Below, "default" means all cells and "1", "2", "3", ... overrides for specific columns. **HTMLtableCells.[default/1/2/3/...]** { **callRecursive:** :ref:`data-type-boolean`. The content is parsed through current parseFunc. **stdWrap:** :ref:`stdwrap` processing of the content in the cell. **tagStdWrap:** -> The :html:`` tag is processed by :ref:`stdwrap`. } **HTMLtableCells.addChr10BetweenParagraphs:** :ref:`data-type-boolean`. If set, then all appearances of :html:`

` will have a :php:`chr(10)` inserted between them. } :aspect:`Example` This example is used to split regular bodytext content so that tables and blockquotes in the bodytext are processed correctly. The blockquotes are passed into parseFunc again (recursively) and further their top/bottom margins are set to 0 (so no apparent line breaks are seen) The tables are also displayed with a number of properties of the cells overridden. :: tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.externalBlocks { blockquote.callRecursive = 1 blockquote.callRecursive.tagStdWrap.HTMLparser = 1 blockquote.callRecursive.tagStdWrap.HTMLparser { tags.blockquote.fixAttrib.style.list = margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0; tags.blockquote.fixAttrib.style.always = 1 } blockquote.stripNLprev = 1 blockquote.stripNLnext = 1 table.stripNL = 1 table.stdWrap.HTMLparser = 1 table.stdWrap.HTMLparser { tags.table.overrideAttribs = border="0" style="margin-top: 10px;" tags.tr.allowedAttribs = 0 tags.td.overrideAttribs = class="table-cell" style="font-size: 10px;" } } .. _parsefunc-constants: constants ========= :aspect:`Property` constants :aspect:`Data type` :ref:`data-type-boolean` :aspect:`Description` You can define constants in the :ref:`top-level object "constants" ` in the *Setup* field of your TypoScript template. If this property is set, you can use markers (the constant name wrapped in "###") in your text. TYPO3 then substitutes the markers with the value of the according constant. :aspect:`Example` :: constants.EMAIL = email@email.com *(The definition of the constant above is top-level TypoScript. It belongs on one level with the objects "config" and "page".)* If you now use parseFunc with :ts:`constants = 1`, all occurrences of the string ###EMAIL### in the text will be substituted with the actual address. .. _parsefunc-short: short ===== :aspect:`Property` short :aspect:`Data type` *(array of strings)* :aspect:`Description` Like constants above, but local. :aspect:`Example` This substitutes all occurrences of "T3" with "TYPO3 CMS" and "T3web" with a link to typo3.org. :: short { T3 = TYPO3 CMS T3web = typo3.org } .. _parsefunc-plainTextStdWrap: plainTextStdWrap ================ :aspect:`Property` plainTextStdWrap :aspect:`Data type` :ref:`stdwrap` :aspect:`Description` This is :ref:`stdwrap` properties for all non-tag content. .. _parsefunc-userFunc: userFunc ======== :aspect:`Property` userFunc :aspect:`Data type` :ref:`data-type-function-name` :aspect:`Description` This passes the non-tag content to a function of your own choice. Similar to e.g. :ref:`stdwrap-postuserfunc` in :ref:`stdWrap`. Remember the function name must possibly be prepended :php:`user_`. .. _parsefunc-nonTypoTagStdWrap: nonTypoTagStdWrap ================= :aspect:`Property` nonTypoTagStdWrap :aspect:`Data type` :ref:`stdWrap` :aspect:`Description` Like :ref:`parsefunc-plainTextStdWrap`. Difference: :ref:`parsefunc-plainTextStdWrap` works an ALL non-tag pieces in the text. :ref:`parsefunc-nonTypoTagStdWrap` is post processing of all text (including tags) between special TypoTags (unless :ts:`breakoutTypoTagContent` is not set for the TypoTag). .. _parsefunc-nonTypoTagUserFunc: nonTypoTagUserFunc ================== :aspect:`Property` nonTypoTagUserFunc :aspect:`Data type` :ref:`data-type-function-name` :aspect:`Description` Like :ref:`parsefunc-userFunc`. Differences is (like :ref:`parsefunc-nonTypoTagStdWrap`) that this is post processing of all content pieces around TypoTags while :ref:`parsefunc-userFunc` processes all non-tag content. (Notice: :ts:`breakoutTypoTagContent` must be set for the TypoTag if it's excluded from :ts:`nonTypoTagContent`). .. _parsefunc-sword: sword ===== :aspect:`Property` sword :aspect:`Data type` :ref:`data-type-wrap` :aspect:`Description` Marks up any words from the GET-method send array :php:`sword_list[]` in the text. The word MUST be at least two characters long! **Note:** works only with :php:`$GLOBALS['TSFE']->no_cache = 1`. :aspect:`Default` :ts:`|` .. _parsefunc-makelinks: makelinks ========= :aspect:`Property` makelinks :aspect:`Data type` :ref:`data-type-boolean` / :ref:`makelinks` :aspect:`Description` Convert web addresses prefixed with `http://` and mail addresses prefixed with `mailto:` to links. .. _parsefunc-tags: tags ==== :aspect:`Property` tags :aspect:`Data type` :ref:`tags` :aspect:`Description` Here you can define **custom tags** that will parse the content to something. .. _parsefunc-allowTags: allowTags ========= :aspect:`Property` allowTags :aspect:`Data type` list of strings :aspect:`Description` List of tags, which are allowed to exist in code! Highest priority: If a tag is found in :ref:`parsefunc-allowTags`, :ref:`parsefunc-denyTags` is ignored! .. _parsefunc-denyTags: denyTags ======== :aspect:`Property` denyTags :aspect:`Data type` list of strings :aspect:`Description` List of tags, which may **not** exist in code! (use :ts:`*` for all.) Lowest priority: If a tag is **not** found in :ref:`parsefunc-allowTags`, :ref:`parsefunc-denyTags` is checked. If denyTags is not :ts:`*` and the tag is not found in the list, the tag may exist! :aspect:`Example` This allows :html:``, :html:``, :html:`` and :html:`` -tags to exist :: .allowTags = b,i,a,img .denyTags = * .. _parsefunc-if: if == :aspect:`Property` if :aspect:`Data type` :ref:`if` :aspect:`Description` if "if" returns false, the input value is not parsed, but returned directly. .. _parsefunc-examples: Example ======= This example takes the content of the field "bodytext" and parses it through the :ref:`parsefunc-makelinks`-functions and substitutes all :html:`` and :html:``-tags with something else. :: tt_content.text.default { 20 = TEXT 20.stdWrap.field = bodytext 20.stdWrap.wrap = |
20.stdWrap.brTag =
20.stdWrap.parseFunc { makelinks = 1 makelinks.http.keep = path makelinks.http.extTarget = _blank makelinks.mailto.keep = path tags { link = TEXT link { stdWrap.current = 1 stdWrap.typolink.extTarget = _blank stdWrap.typolink.target = {$cLinkTagTarget} stdWrap.typolink.wrap =


stdWrap.typolink.parameter.data = parameters : allParams } typolist < tt_content.bullets.default.20 typolist.trim = 1 typolist.field > typolist.current = 1 } }