.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _extdev-add-typoscript: ================================ Add TypoScript in your extension ================================ .. note:: This part is written for extension developers. Create TypoScript files in your extension ========================================= TypoScript files should have the ending :file:`.typoscript`. They are located in :file:`Configuration/TypoScript` within your extension. Usually, you will have the following structure: .. code-block:: none Configuration/ └── TypoScript ├── constants.typoscript └── setup.typoscript * :file:`constants.typoscript` contains the constants * :file:`setup.typoscript` contains the TypoScript setup .. _extdev-static-includes: Make TypoScript available for static includes ============================================= :file:`Configuration/TCA/Overrides/sys_template.php`: .. code-block:: php Template` module in the backend, see :ref:`static-includes`. This has the advantage of better configurability. This will load your constants and your setup once the template is included statically. .. tip:: You may also want to make several different templates available. .. _extdev-always-load: Make TypoScript available (always load) ======================================= Only do this, if your TypoScript must really be always loaded in your site. If this is not the case, use the method described in the previous section :ref:`extdev-static-includes`. :file:`ext_localconf.php`: .. code-block:: php defined('TYPO3_MODE') || die(); call_user_func(function() { $extensionKey = 'myextension'; \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addTypoScript( $extensionKey, 'setup', "@import 'EXT:myextension/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript'" ); }); More information ================ * :ref:`t3sitepackage:typoscript-configuration` (in "Sitepackage Tutorial")` * :ref:`t3sitepackage:extension-configuration` (in "Sitepackage Tutorial")` * :doc:`t3core:Changelog/9.0/Feature-82812-NewSyntaxForImportingTypoScriptFiles`