.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _pages-multiple: Adding Multiple Pages at Once ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can create more than one page at a time by using the **WEB > Functions** module. Place yourself on the page which should be the parent of the new pages. Select the **Create multiple page** wizard. .. figure:: ../../Images/FunctionsCreateWizardTop.png :alt: Creating multiple pages at once with the Functions wizard For each page you can define its title and choose its type. At the bottom of the wizard are several options: .. figure:: ../../Images/FunctionsCreateWizardBottom.png :alt: Options at the bottom of the Create new pages wizard By checking the **Place new pages after the existing subpages** box, the new pages will be added below the currently existing subpages. Otherwise they will be placed above the current pages. You can choose to add more pages than proposed (5 by default) by clicking on the "Add more lines" button. Options **Hide new pages** and **Hide new pages in menus** let you manage the visibility of your new pages. .. tip:: A hidden page cannot be accessed by anyone via the web site. A page which is hidden in menus does not appear in the site navigation but can be accessed by someone having the direct URL of that page. Once you are done click the **Create pages** button.