

Property Data types stdWrap Default
imageLinkWrap = boolean yes 0
enable = boolean yes 0
file = stdWrap yes  
width = positive integer yes  
height = positive integer yes  
effects = like EFFECT of GIFBUILDER yes  
sample = boolean yes 0
title = string yes  
bodyTag = <tag> yes  
wrap = wrap (?)  
target = target yes "thePicture"
JSwindow = boolean yes  
JSwindow.expand = x, y (both integer) yes  
JSwindow.newWindow = boolean yes  
JSwindow.altUrl = string yes  
JSwindow.altUrl_noDefaultParams = boolean (?) 0
typolink = like typolink (?)  
directImageLink = boolean yes 0
linkParams = any of the options of typolink (?)  
stdWrap = stdWrap yes  


imageLinkWrap.enable = boolean

Whether or not to link the image. Must be set to True to make imageLinkWrap do anything at all.


imageLinkWrap.file = stdWrap

Apply stdWrap functionality to the file path.


imageLinkWrap.width = positive integer

Width of the image to be shown in pixels. If you add "m" to width or height or both then the width and height parameters will be interpreted as maximum and proportions of the image will be preserved.


imageLinkWrap.height = positive integer

Width of the image to be shown in pixels. If you add "m" to width or height or both then the width and height parameters will be interpreted as maximum and proportions of the image will be preserved.


imageLinkWrap.effects = like EFFECT of GIFBUILDER

Apply image effects to the preview image.

Example for effects

imageLinkWrap {
   effects = gamma=1.3 | sharpen=80 | solarize=70
      # effects only works when directImageLink is FALSE
   directImageLink = 0
      # at most 800 pixels wide. Keep proportions.
   width = 800m
      # at most 600 pixels wide. Keep proportions.
   height = 600m


imageLinkWrap.sample = boolean

sample is a switch which determines how the image processor (often GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick) calculates the preview image. If sample is true then - sample is used with GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick instead of - geometry to calculate the preview image. sample does not use antialiasing and is therefore much faster than the geometry procedure of GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick.


imageLinkWrap.title = string

Specifies the html-page-title of the preview window. Needs JSwindow = 1.


imageLinkWrap.bodyTag = <tag>

This is the <body>-tag of the preview window. Needs JSwindow = 1.


# with all margins set to zero the window will exactly fit the image.
# "onBlur" closes the window automatically if it looses focus
imageLinkWrap.JSwindow = 1
imageLinkWrap.bodyTag (
   <body style="background-color:black; margin:0; padding:0;"
         bgColor="#000", leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"
         marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"


imageLinkWrap.wrap = wrap

This wrap is placed around the <img>-tag in the preview window. Needs JSwindow = 1.

target = target

This specifies the target attribute of the link. The attribute will only be created if the current Doctype allows it. Needs JSwindow = 1. Default: 'thePicture'.


# (1) to produce:  <a target="preview" ... > = preview

# (2) to use the default:  <a target="thePicture" ...>
// do nothing - use the built in default value of ".target"

# (3) to use a new window for each image
# let there be:  <a target="<hash-code>" ... >
imageLinkWrap.JSwindow = 1
imageLinkWrap.JSwindow.newWindow = 1


imageLinkWrap.JSwindow = boolean

If true (JSwindow = 1) Javascript will be used to open the image in a new window. The window is automatically resized to match the dimensions of the image.


imageLinkWrap.JSwindow.expand = x, y

x and x are of data type integer. The values are added to the width and height of the preview image when calculating the width and height of the preview window.


imageLinkWrap.JSwindow.newWindow = boolean

If the Doctype allows the target attribute then the image will be opened in a window with the name given by target. If that windows is kept open and the next image with the same target attribute is to be shown then it will appear in the same preview window. If JSwindow.newWindow is set to True, then a unique hash value is used as target value for each image. This guarantees that each image is opened in a new window.


imageLinkWrap.JSwindow.altUrl = string

If this returns anything then it is used as URL of the preview window. Otherwise the default "showpic" script will be used.


imageLinkWrap.JSwindow.altUrl_noDefaultParams = boolean

If true (JSwindow.altUrl_noDefaultParams = 1) then the image parameters are not automatically appended to the altUrl. This is useful if you want to add them yourself in a special way.


imageLinkWrap.linkParams = any of the options of typolink

When the direct link for the preview image is calculated all attributes of linkParams are used as settings for the typolink function. In other words: Use the same parameters for linkParams that you would use for typolink. Needs JSwindow = 0.


JSwindow = 0
directImageLink = 1
linkParams.ATagParams.dataWrap (

This way it is easy to use a lightbox and to display resized images in the frontend. More complete examples are Example: Images in lightbox "fancybox" and Example: Images in lightbox "TopUp".


imageLinkWrap.stdWrap = stdWrap

This adds stdWrap functionality to the almost final result.

What it does

imageLinkWrap = 1

If set to True (= 1) then this function attaches a link to an image that opens a special view of the image. By default the link points to the a "showpic" script that knows how to deal with several parameters. The script checks an md5-hash to make sure that the parameters are unchanged. See Basic example: Create a link to the showpic script.

There is an alternative. You may set directImageLink to True (= 1). In that case the link will directly point to the image - no intermediate script is involved. This method can well be used to display images in a lightbox. See Basic example: Link directly to the original image and the lightbox examples on this page.

If JSwindow is True (= 1) more fancy features are available since the preview now is opened by Javascript. Then the Javascript window title, size, background-color and more can be set to special values.


  • imageLinkWrap in API,
  • method imageLinkWrap in
  • class ContentObjectRenderer in
  • namespace namespace TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject; in
  • file ContentObjectRenderer.php in
  • folder typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/ContentObject.

Examples for imageLinkWrap

Example: Larger display in a popup window

page = PAGE
page.10 = IMAGE
page.10 {
   # the relative path to the image
   # find the images in the 'lorem_ipsum' extension an copy them here
   file = fileadmin/demo/lorem_ipsum/images/b1.jpg
   # let's make the normal image small
   file.width = 80
   # yes, we want to have a preview link on the image
   imageLinkWrap = 1
   imageLinkWrap {
      # must be TRUE for anything to happen
      enable = 1
      # "m" = at most 400px wide - keep proportions
      width = 400m
      # "m" = at most 300px high - keep proportions
      height = 300
      # let's use fancy Javascript features
      JSwindow = 1
      # black background
      bodyTag = <body style="background-color:black; margin:0; padding:0;">
      # place a Javascript "close window" link onto the image
      wrap = <a href="javascript:close();"> | </a>
      # let there be a new and unique window for each image
      JSwindow.newWindow = 1
      # make the preview window 30px wider and 20px higher
      # than what the image requires
      JSwindow.expand = 30,20

Example: Images in lightbox "fancybox"

Let's follow this lightbox.ts example and use fancybox:

# Add the CSS and JS files
page {
   includeCSS {
      file99 = fileadmin/your-fancybox.css
   includeJSFooter {
      fancybox = fileadmin/your-fancybox.js

# Change the default rendering of images to match lightbox requirements
tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap {
   JSwindow = 0
   directImageLink = 1
   linkParams.ATagParams {
      dataWrap = class= "lightbox" data-fancybox-group="lightbox{field:uid}"

Example: Images in lightbox "TopUp"

In this blog post (german) Paul Lunow shows a way to integrate the jQuery TopUp lightbox:

tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap >
tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap = 1
tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap {
   enable = 1
   typolink {
      # directly link to the recent image
      parameter.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE = TSFE:lastImageInfo|origFile
      parameter.cObject.file.maxW = {$styles.content.imgtext.maxW} = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
      title.field = imagecaption // title
      title.split.token.char = 10
      title.if.isTrue.field = imagecaption // header
      title.split.token.char = 10 = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
      parameter.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE = TSFE:lastImageInfo|origFile
      ATagParams = target="_blank"