
[IMPORTANT] Change Main Branches to master

This is important if you are using the Local Git / Docker workflow and are working on already existing fork / clone.

Each documentation project has a main (or default) branch. This usually corresponds to the latest released TYPO3 version. For some official manuals, the main branch had been latest. We now changed this, so that master is the main branch for all manuals.

In the future, you should make sure to always work on master.

When you create a new fork and clone, this should not be a problem.

But, when you are using a local repository that you cloned a while ago, make sure to get the latest changes and work on master in the future.

  1. Check your branches:

    git branch


    git branch -a
  2. Setup upstream remote

    This will get you changes from the original repository, not your fork.

    git remote add upstream<name of repository>.git
  3. Fetch from remote:

    git fetch upstream
  4. Checkout master:

    git checkout master

[IMPORTANT] Migration to New Infrastructure

Because of the move to the new documentation server, a valid composer.json and a webhook is now mandatory for extensions, in order to automatically be rendered on the documentation server.

Read more: Register for

If you see the following on the rendered page of your extension, it has not yet been rendered with the new mechanism:

Deprecation message on rendered extension documentation page